Australia now has the new COVID-19 Monovalent
Omicron XBB.15 vaccines available

The Health Government together with the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) have given new advice on XBB1.5 for use as both initial and booster shots in people 5 years and older (age varies depending on brand of vaccine).1
Did you know that COVID-19 vaccines come in 2 types:
Monovalent XBB.1.5 which targets the current Omicron subvariants
Bivalent which protects against earlier Omicron subvariants and the original COVID-19 strain.
All COVID-19 vaccines offer strong protection against severe disease, but the monovalent XBB1.5 provides a slight increase in protection against the current strain and is preferred.2
Recommendations for COVID-19 2023 booster:
Individuals 65 years or older are advised to get a 2023 COVID-19 booster
Individuals aged 18 to 64 who are severely immunocompromise should consider a 2023 booster
A second 2023 booster is recommended if 6 months have passed since your last dose and you are:
75 years or older
A younger adult with risk factors for serious illness
Unvaccinated individuals for 2023 doses are urged to get vaccinated promptly. For those who have already received their 2023 doses, ATAGI does not advise revaccination with monovalent XBB.1.5.
Table obtained from the ATAGI website.3
*XBB.1.5-containing vaccine preferred for all doses. For eligible children aged 6 months to 4 years, use Pfizer Original 6 month - <5 year formulation (maroon cap) as the only available formulation for this age group. Timing: 2023 vaccine doses should be given from 6 months after a person’s last dose and can be given in early 2024, pending updated advice from ATAGI.
#Includes those with a medical condition that increases the risk of severe COVID-19 illness or those with disability with significant or complex health needs or multiple comorbidities which increase the risk of poor outcomes from COVID-19.
^For details, refer to the ATAGI recommendations on the use of a third primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine in individuals who are severely immunocompromised.
Helpful Resources:
ATAGI Recommendation on the use of a third primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine in individuals who are severely immunocompromised.